A Travellerspoint blog

Huanchacu, Peru

Approx 16th to 18th No 06.

DSC00619.JPGDSC00623.JPGDSC00628.JPGDSC00629.JPG* Having travelled for a few days, stopping at Cuenca and Loja in Ecuador along the way - it was time to cross the Border into Peru.

  • I chose to stick inland as the border crossing on the Coast is notorious as a Gringo trap. There is a 3km strtch of no mans land between Peru´s and Ecuador immigration offices and its full of thiefs and cons - I spoke to people first hand in Quito who had the displeasure of being conned.
  • Arrived in Piura in Peru at 9 pm - was going to stay and then decided against it - decided to jump on the next night bus down to Trujillo not far from Huanchuca (a nice quite beach side town). All in I travelled for 25 hours straight.
  • Huanchacu was cool - took a a surfing lesson, fell off, got up, surfed, fell obn some rocks - was good fun.

Posted by allan01 11:16

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Hiya Al, how are you going mate?

Can't believe you are out there exploring South America on your own like that and am amazed by all the things you are doing. I've been reading over your exploits these last few days after your Mum e-mailed me the link and will keep in touch as you continue on your adventures.

You keep on going and have a great and safe time there, okay?

I'll catch you later!

All the best from Samuel, Graeme, Sam & Linda

by DogDarko

your legs looked npretty girly in those rock climbing leggings and you could do with a haircut

by watto78

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